Finally find a job and become a full-fledged member of the society in Wobbly Life! However, nobody restrains you from having fun in the process, so bring your friend to keep you company and embark on an amazing adventure across the Wobbly lands.

Gameplay Wobbly Life

Take the role of a common dweller of Wobbly World and develop your character in the process of accomplishing various jobs. The game gives you an immense array of options, so choose whatever comes to your taste the most! Deliver pizza, extract ore or even become a firefighter – you are limited only with your creativity!

Moreover, Wobbly Life combines both realistic physics and amusing graphic design, which transforms usual routine into exciting adventures. Take pleasure in completing daily tasks and earn money for your work afterwards. In this universe cash allows you to acquire lots of things, so don’t miss the opportunity to gain some.

Apart from the professions, the game also suggests additional quests made mostly to have fun. Enjoy riding cars, planes and even rockets, rob a bank or explore ancient pyramids – find an activity that will captivate you and don’t hesitate to check it out! Investigate the terrains thoroughly to discover more curious offerings.

Learn to cooperate

However, Wobbly Life may be too extensive to explore it completely on your own. That’s why the project supports multiplayer mode that allows you to bring three friends with you and share the excitement from your journeys. Interact with your buddies to unlock numerous attractions and set up spectacular scenarios!

Some activities require you to gather a team, so you will always have some hilarious activity to do with your friends. Whether you decide to set up wild racings or any other contest, investigate dangerous caves or just fool around, this game won’t leave anyone indifferent.

Despite the fact there are usually instructions attached to every mission, nothing prevents you from creating your own ones. Thus, enjoy absolute chaos and destroy the peaceful life style of other citizens with your buddies and do it in the most extraordinary manner.

Delve into mysterious lore

Apart from obvious attractions, Wobbly Life also conceals lots of enigmas that only the most attentive players can discover. Try out the most insane ideas and eventually you will find hidden secrets that will change the whole perspective on this game. Figure out what secret experiments and events are going on while you are busy with your common work!

There is also a chance to collect exceptional items in the process of investigation. Please yourself with a bunch of new accessories or decorations for your dwelling or contemplate the list of your achievements. Can you gather the complete collection of them?